Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lots of Pots

Today I put Maxine's favorite new toy (a soft cloth jingle ball) a few feet away from her and as expected she started crawling towards it. A few feet past the ball was one of the new books her cousins sent her for Christmas. It's a Winnie the Pooh book called Lots of Pots. I've read this book to Maxine at least 10 times in the last few days and she really seems to enjoy it.

Turned out that although she loves her jingle ball, she went strait for the book. Even more surprising was that she took the book her in her hands and tapped it a few times. Then she looked strait at me with a sort of sad face. Of course I went over and read it to her (3 times). Three more times she picked the book over the ball.

I can't tell you how happy this made me. We started reading to her at 3 months and she's gradually shown more and more interest. I hope to read to her every day and hopefully plant the seeds of a favorite pass time.

Though I'm thrilled she likes to be read to, I sort of wish she'd like some of the other books we've read to her and not just the one. Don't get me wrong. Lots of Pots is a literary jewel in it of itself (lines like "red paint, blue paint, lots of red and blue paint" are hard to come by), but He Bear, She Bear; Green Eggs and Ham; and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie aren't bad either.

But either way, I'll say this. If she's hooked on one book I'm glad it's Lots of Pots and not Lots of Pot. That would be a whole different kind of book and one I probably wouldn't be thrilled about it.

1 comment:

Ang said...

LOL... isn't it amazing how babies like books so much! My niece is the same way; it's a great thing!