Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Final Debate

Last night's presidential debate seemed quite repetitive, with the exception of one statement from McCain:

“My friend, we have increased the size of government by some 40 percent just in the last few years."

My feelings on this are strong. Obesity is a big problem in our country. I say, Weight Watchers for everyone, starting with the senate. Losing 10 lbs? Now that's change I can believe in.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Economic Bailout

How much is $700 billion dollars? Those who know me well, know that I like to measure things with the almighty Chipotle burrito.

The math has been done and ... $700 billion dollars is over 127 billion burritos. The population of American being ~350 million, that's ~360 burritos per person.
Which means -- that's enough burritos for everyone in America to have 1 per day for an entire year.

In short: that's a lot of burritos.