Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dial 1, Pass It On

When I moved back to Minneapolis, I got a new cell phone number. The prefix for my number is also an area code used in Northern Minnesota. Not a day goes by that I don't get someone calling me from the area code that I'm actually in trying to reach someone up north. Most of these conversations go like this:

Caller: Is Sally there?
Me: No, you've got the wrong number.
Caller: Is this xxx-xxx-xxxx?
Me: No, you need to dial one first.
Caller: Oh, okay. Thanks.

No big deal, most callers are appreciative of the tip on dialing one. But then there are the others who insist they dialed the correct number. As if somehow I've absconded with the cell phone of the person they are trying to reach. But I'll save that rant for another blog.
Oh, wait, I already did.

In any case, I blame cell phones. Ever since people got free long distance with their cellular plans, they seem to have forgotten that you still need to dial 1 before making a long distance call. So dial 1 people, dial 1. And pass it on for Pete's sake. Which makes me wonder, does anyone know the deal with the Pete who is at the root of that phrase? Why don't we say "for Sally's sake" for example?