Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Mom Haircut

A few days after Christmas, I got the itch. No, not a rash. The itch that every girl has to change her hair and try something totally different.

The same thing happened last time I was about 20 weeks pregnant, but then I truly went mad. I had just gotten out of the shower and looked at my long hair and thought, "I can't take this anymore" and grabbed some scissors. I just chopped it off. Not a great idea when you have wet, curly hair and no experience cutting hair.

This time I took a better approach. I scheduled an appointment that very day for a cut and color. She took off at least 10 inches and then colored it to a tone I can only describe as a mix between violet and red. I loved it!

Here's the problem: a few days later as I admired my new hair cut in the mirror, it hit me. I have the "mom haircut." You know what I'm talking about. Short, easy to manage, no frills. There's a good chance you'll see one next time you see a woman get out of her mini-van.

I've decided a few things. One: with a toddler at home and another baby on the way...yes, I am a mom. Two: I'm good with that, even the mom haircut part.

On the plus side I've gotten many compliments on it and no one so far has pointed out that it's a mom-do. Shhhh...it'll be our little secret.