Saturday, January 10, 2009

Big Butt Kisser?

My favorite song at the moment is "Live Your Life" by TI and Rihanna. Though I have to admit I have probably never been more wrong about a set of lyrics every before...especially the chorus.

I swear I thought she was saying:

Just live your life
aya aya aya
No telling where it'll take ya
Just live your life
aya aya aya
Cause I'm a big butt kisser

But the more I listened, the more I thought "this can't possibly be right". To Google I headed and pretty quickly learned she was saying "cause I'm a paper chaser" which made a lot more sense. I'm happy to report I am now singing the right lyrics as I'm stuck on 35W.

I have to wonder, am I the only one that heard these lyrics so far off? This is even worse than the time I thought Natalie Merchant was saying "I must be Wanda the Wonder, God's own creation".


Ang said...

LOL... i did not think the same as you, but I always wondered what she was saying.... I thought paper chaser didn't make sense, so I figured I had to be wrong! Thanks for googling that for me ;)

Devon said...

Just live your life
aya aya aya
No telling where it'll take ya
Just live your life
aya aya aya
Cause I'm a big butt kisser

OH MY GOD, You mean to tell me SOMEONE ELSE heard this same thing?
I thought I was hearing things or something

Sarah Fort Kramer said...

This made my morning! Hilarious! Glad to know I'm not alone...used to think Clapton's `lay down Sally' was `late Aunt Sally' as in the poor woman had died.

Devon said...

It seems that there is a HIGHER authority in all of this. Why is it that only CERTAIN people can hear things in a certain way? I cant explain it, but it SURE IS WIERD!

I am GLAD to hear at least ONE other person is hearing the same thing as I am hearing.

Maybe its because Im a VIRGO or something? I dont know, but at least I'm not alone!

Devon said...

Life seems to get SO STRANGE at times. Go Figure!