Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Distant Wagon

It's official: I fell off the wagon. Actually, it's more like I jumped off it. After 3 weeks of working out, I pretty much stopped altogether.

There's an easy solution. I just need more hours in the day. Four would be fantastic. I'd use 1 to work out. Two more to spend with my hubby and baby. And the last for an additional oh so needed extra hour of sleep.

On second thought I'd use half of that last hour to finish extra chores around the house. An extra half hour of sleep would be just fine.

As for those last 5 baby pounds, I've resorted to Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones. I was pleasantly surprised to see they've added more vegetarian options instead of the token 1-2 I'm used to seeing.

So the wagon has gone on without's sort of a dot in the horizon now. Maybe I'll jump back on again sometime, but for now it remains in the distance.


Unknown said...

One way you can spend quality time with your hubby and baby is by taking long walks around your neighborhood or go to one of your many parks in MN and you get to exercise your body at the same time! No excuses Lovi!!! If I can tackle 2 days of full classes, 2 days of 12 hour shifts at the hospital and STUDYING and still find time to go work out, u can do it too lol. love ya!!!

MarilovesJon said...

Running around after a mobile baby burns 1000 calories a day. I don't know if that's a fact but it sure does feel like it doesn't it???